Delivery Offer: Order over HK$500 with FREE DELIVERY | 運費優惠:訂單HK$500或以上可享免運費優惠

Sakae Loyalty Program 栄。積分奬賞計劃

We are glad to announce the Sakae Loyalty Program launched!

We have build our loyalty program in return to rewards your interest & support to Sakae Lifestyle, remember to join the loyalty program to gain rewards points to redeem cash coupon for your purchase or redeem gift product!

  • All existing registered member rewards 150 points in system
  • On top to each HK$1 spending = 1 rewards points,  various activities you can perform to gain rewards points to achieving the 1st level of cash coupon claim
  • You are eligible to gain rewards points on every purchase (excluding the cash coupon claim dollars value and shipping value)
  • No spending limit to apply cash coupon usage
  • Make your own choice to redeem cash coupon or gift product

Don't miss it! Become our loyalty member today. Further details please check out from below button "Check Rewards"



  • 所有已登記的客戶已於系統內享有150積分奬賞
  • 每消費港幣1元可獲取1積分奬賞,更可以參加不同類型活動獲取更多積分奬賞
  • 每次購物金額均可賺取積分奬賞(不包括使用現金購物劵/運費的價值)
  • 無最低消費限制使用現金購物劵
  • 不論是現金購物劵或栄。生活產品,由你選擇,隨時兌換
立刻成為栄生活百貨的會員,盡享會員獨享的奬賞優惠!詳細積分奬賞資料可按 Check Rewards 查詢。

  1. All coupon expired in 14 days from the day of claim 所有優惠劵需於兌換後14天內使用
  2. Yearly Loyalty Program period start from Jan 1 to Dec 31 on every calendar year, all points should be redeemed on or before Dec 31 of the year, the points will be forfeited otherwise. 每年的會員積分奬賞由1月1日始至12月31日終結。所有積分奬賞兌換需於該年度的12月31日或以前完成兌換手續,所有積分於新一年將重新計算。
  3. In case the redeem gift product is out of stock, we reserves the right to change and provide an equivalent value product or reverse the rewards points to your account (we will contact you through email/WhatsApp for confirmation) 如任何兌換之栄。生活產品缺貨,我們擁有權利以同等價值的貨品替代或退回有關積分(我們會經由電郵/WhatsApp聯絡會員作出確認安排)
  4. Sakae Lifestyle reserves the right to change, suspend, or discontinue temporarily or permanently, some or all of the program details (including the Content and the devices through which the Services are accessed), with respect to any or all users, at any time without notice.